Summer School begins every day at 8:30 a.m. and ends at 2:00 p.m.
Session I: June 12 - July 2 (No school: June 19, July 3 & July 4)
Session II: July 7 - July 24
To enroll in Summer School, please contact your counselor. To check to see your classes log in to Infinite Campus
Summer School Principal, Contact Information:
Evelyn Valencia, ext. 69099
Summer School Secretary
Vanessa Oseguera, ext. 69098
Behavior and Attendance Expectations: Sequoia Summer School
Attendance Policy:
- Students can only miss ten hours of class time and still be eligible to receive credit for the course (five hours for PE and Life Skills). Students who miss more than 10 hours of class will be dropped. 2 tardies = 1 hour absent. We cannot excuse any absences during summer school.
Behavior Policies:
Please note: Sequoia High School is a closed campus. Students are not permitted to leave campus during the school day for any reason without express permission and checkout procedures.
Disruptive Behavior: Students will be dismissed from summer school for repeated, disruptive behavior. Disruptive behavior may include but is not limited to using cell phones or ipods in the classroom, being tardy to class, wandering outside of designated boundaries, dressing inappropriately, failing to follow normal classroom procedures, or disrupting the learning environment in any way.
Major infractions: Students will be immediately dismissed from summer school for any major infraction as defined in the education code listed above. Major infractions include but are not limited to fighting or attempting to cause harm to another; possessing, using, or attempting to sell drugs, alcohol, or any illegal substance; possessing a weapon; engaging in habitual profanity; bullying or threatening another student; and defying a valid school authority.
Schedule Changes
As a reminder, all SUHSD sites will remain closed all summer. With the exception of the on-campus lab, no other services or facilities will be open. Therefore, if your student needs to drop, change or register for a class, please contact:
Hoxira Castaneda,
If your student will not be participating in summer school, please contact me at your earliest convenience so that they may be dropped from their course and space made available to students who are waitlisted.