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Welcome to AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination)

Welcome_to_AVID_(Advancement_Via_Individual_Determination) iconWelcome to AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination)title

Sequoia AVID Logo saying we are Sequoia
Welcome to AVID ... a life-changing program for students.

AVID is a program designed to help students in the middle prepare for and succeed in colleges and universities. Students in the program commit themselves to improvement and preparation for college. AVID offers a rigorous program of instruction in academic “survival skills” and college level entry skills. The AVID program teaches the student how to study, read for content, take notes, and manage time. Students participate in collaborative study groups or tutorials led by tutors who use skillful questioning to bring students to a higher level of understanding.

We have an outstanding AVID team and teaching staff who go the distance for our students.
Incoming Freshmen: Want to apply to AVID?

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Incoming Freshmen: Want to apply to AVID?

1) Apply on-line: Use the link below to apply for our program on-line. Before you start the application, make sure you have a teacher or counselor's name and e-mail address to fill out our Recommendation Form.

Also, please check out our AVID informational powerpoint!
Want to know more about AVID?

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AVID Teachers

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AVID Teachers

Click the name to send an email message:
Peyton, Michelle
12th Grade AVID Teacher
12th Grade AVID Teacher
11th Grade AVID Teacher
11th Grade AVID Teacher
10th grade AVID Teacher
10th grade AVID Teacher
9th Grade AVID Teacher
9th Grade AVID Teacher
Schimek, Jasmine
AVID Coordinator
Back to School Scavenger Hunt

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AVID Field Trips and Team Building Days!

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AVID Alumni

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AVID Resources

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AVID Resources

Preparing for college can be an intimidating and exhausting experience (but, well worth it). Below are some valuable resources to help you with questions about colleges, finances and extra support.
  • AVID Website
    Straight from the AVID website, a collection of helpful links.