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Physical Education

Welcome to the Sequoia High School Physical Education Department's page. We strive to achieve a well-rounded fitness plan for all of our students, incorporating cardio-vascular activity, resistance training (utilizing a circuit-training format), and sport-related subject units. We are proud to include our new state-of-the-art weight training facility into this curriculum. The Physical Education department is staffed with four full time instructors and one part-time instructor to serve the needs of approximately 900 Sequoia students each year.

Bienvenidos a la página del Departamento de Educación Física de la Escuela Secundaria Sequoia. En nuestro departamento nos esforzamos para desarrollar un plan de acondicionamiento físico completo para todos nuestros estudiantes, incorporando en éste: actividad cardio-vascular, entrenamiento de resistencia (utilizando un formato de circuito de entrenamiento), y unidades de materia relacionados con el deporte. Nos sentimos orgullosos de incluir en este plan de estudios y lo último en nuestras nuevas y modernas instalaciones de levantamiento de pesas. El departamento de Educación Física cuenta con cuatro instructores a tiempo completo y uno a tiempo parcial para atender las necesidades de aproximadamente 900 estudiantes en Sequoia cada año.

PE California Teaching Standards

PE_California_Teaching_Standards iconPE California Teaching Standardstitle

These courses offer a comprehensive, standards-based program. Curriculum is designed to meet the following three state standards for Physical Education:

1.Demonstrate knowledge and competency of movement patterns and strategies needed to perform a variety of physical activities.

2. Achieve a level of physical fitness for health and performance while demonstrating knowledge of fitness concepts, principles, and strategies.

3. Demonstrate knowledge of psychological and sociological concepts, principles, and strategies as they apply to learning and performance of physical activity.

Sequoia Physical Education - Staff

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Sequoia Physical Education - Staff

Click the name to send an email message:
PE Dept. Head 
Ext. 65383
Williams, Atiba
Ext. 65383
Cornell, Lauren
Ext. 63705

White, Taylor
Ext. 65382
Sequoia P.E. in Action!

Sequoia_P.E._in_Action! iconSequoia P.E. in Action!title

  • All P.E. students will dress in a purple colored top (t-shirt) and black colored bottoms (shorts or sweatpants) daily.  The purple t-shirt will be provided to all PE students, from Sequoia HS, free of charge.  Additional P.E. t-shirts (optional to purchase) will also be available for sale on-campus (see your teacher for details) starting the first week of school.  The required black shorts or sweatpants are the responsibility of the student to secure, bring, and wear during class.  If help is needed to get black bottoms please check in with your teacher for options. Students should expect a uniform check during daily class attendance.  Cost: $10 (t-shirt)
  • Appropriate PE/Athletic shoes only.  A cross-training or running style shoe is recommended.
  • You will be provided a P.E. locker (with built-in combination lock) during the first or second week of school to use for the school year.  Please be responsible and keep your belongings secured at all times.  Keep your locker combination private, and in a safe place.  Lockers and use of the locker room will be discussed in class during week 1 or 2.
  • MEDICAL NOTES and/or excuses from a parent (in note form) are good for 1 school PE day.  Beyond that, an official note from a physician is required stating the length/limits of participation in PE class.  These notes must also be submitted to the school's health office at the same time.