For you to earn credit for a class, it is very important that the school knows you have your parents' permission to be absent.
Each day you are absent, your parents should call the Attendance Office listed below by 11 a.m. to clear your absence. Communications are in both English and Spanish.
To clear an absence you will need:
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Attendance Office.
PARA JUSTIFICAR UNA FALTA: Los padres pueden hacer uno de los siguientes pasos:
Unicamente tiene 5 días para justificar una falta.
PARA UN PERMISO DE SALIDA: Los padres pueden hacer uno de los siguientes pasos:
Si el estudiante se pone enfermo(a), nosotros nos pondremos en contacto inmediato solamente con las personas responsables del estudiante.
Solamente los padres/tutores legales están autorizadas en la lista de contactos pueden justificar las faltas o sacar al estudiante de la escuela.
Si el estudiante se sale sin permiso, recibirá una falta sin justificación "C" para las clases faltadas. Sin excepciones!
Student absences must be excused by a guardian within 5 school days of the absence. After the 5th day the absence becomes unexcused if it is not cleared. If the student is absent 5 (five) consecutive school days, a medical note must be provided to excuse absences after the fifth day.
Absences can be cleared by a note or by a telephone call to the Attendance Office.
Absences will not be cleared once the 5 day window to clear an absence has expired. They are registered as unexcused on the student's record.
You can check your attendance online on Infinite Campus. Absences and tardies are updated daily.
If you are a parent or student and have either lost your log-in information or do not know it, you can email Mayra Melchor,, Fernando Ruiz, or Blanca Romero,
You may also contact the Attendance Office at 650.367.9780, x 60000 or email Lizeth Cornelio,