SHS Health Aide renders first aide to students, provides emergency care, and maintains cumulative health and immunization record for each student. In addition, the health aide can help students obtain health related resources available in the community.
The District Nurse, Kristin Coronado, RN, is available on site every Monday. She can complete a health assessment on students who are ill, and consult with families about needed health care. In addition, she can assist with questions about special education, accommodations in the classroom for students with chronic illness, home teaching and medical resources. Health counseling is available for students and family by appointment during the week.
Contact information: 650.367.9780 Ext. 60060
Office hours are from 7:30 a. m. - 3:45 p.m.
* Please note that the Health Office can not dispense any prescription or over-the-counter-medication to a student without a doctor's order and parent/guardian's permission on file in the Health Office. Medication and other health forms available below.
For further information about medication and health procedures at school, please call the Health Office.